Saturday, March 24, 2007

Reading Quiz!

The blog at Sweet Shoppe Designs has a reading quiz up this week... I LOVE BOOKS! Here are my answers!

Amazon or brick and mortar? whichever is cheaper! :) usually walmart or target because I can't wait to get a book I want to read!
Bookmark or dog ear? depends. if i borrow a book, i always bookmark. if i buy a book, it just depends on if i can find a bookmark or not! :)
Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random? by author, then in the order they were written
Keep, throw away, or sell? KEEP! I can't get rid of a book. I have books from middle school. And I can't wait for Hannah to read them! If I start reading a book that turns smutty or has too much bad language, I usually either throw it out or donate it to goodwill.
Keep dust jacket or toss it? Definitely keep it! There is way too much dust in my house not to! :)
Read with dust jacket or remove it? With it on
Short story or novel? Novels.
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? neither... not into fantasy books
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks? It depends on the book. If I am near the end of a book, I will read until it falls out of my hands! At the beginning of a book, I stop at the chapter ends.
“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”? Once Upon a Time... I used to read mysteries but can't since I had Hannah.
Buy or Borrow? Buy. I hate parting with books. I really should check them out at the library and then just buy the ones I LOVE.
New or used? I prefer new because of my allergies, but I'll take a used book
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse? Recommendations and browsing
Tidy ending or cliffhanger? oh please don't leave me hanging. it will drive me nuts and i won't read another one of the author's books unless i know it has a "real" ending!
Morning reading, afternoon reading or nighttime reading? anytime
Stand-alone or series? both
Favorite series? Anita Stansfield - First Love and Forever
Favorite children’s book? ChickaChickaBoomBoom
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard? Anita Stansfield - First Love & Forever... I have read it AT LEAST ten times.
Favorite books of all time? Pride & Prejudice
Least favorite book you finished last year? some Nora Roberts book... it was terrible. i should have thrown it away.

What are you reading right now? Alma... i'm stuck in the middle!

What are you reading next? Helaman! :)

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