Thursday, March 29, 2007


I got to see my new little niece born earlier tonight. Little Chloe arrived at 8:44pm. She was 6lbs7oz, and 19.25 inches. She is beautiful!!!


9:03pm - she was watching her daddy and stopped crying immediately when she heard his voice.

9:13pm - proud daddy

the porter family! 9:31pm


Aleisha said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Congrats to the new mommy and daddy. Shes a cutie pie!!! And congrats to the new aunt. =o)

Mary said...

Congratulations to Jacob and Amber! So Chloe is already a daddys girl? They look so happy. I'm glad all went well.

Sislers said...

Oh she is a precious little thing. :) I wish I could be around when my little neice is born, or that you were around us. Aimee loves having me around because I CONSTANTLY hold Addison when I'm there :)

Jen Reed said...

She is so precious Meredith! Congratulations!

BoozetteScrappy said...

Congratulations to the new Auntie! How precious!

chrissy said...

Wow! That's awesome! How is Amber? They were worried about her blood pressure, right? Did the delivery go smoothly???

Meredith said...

her blood pressure was VERY high! she went straight from her doctor's appt to the hospital where they broke her water. they started hydrating her right away and it brought her blood pressure down some. then it started getting too low after they gave her the epidural. so she got really nauseated. but it didn't ever get dangerously low. she did marvelously! she was in labor about 6 hours and barely made a peep. much better than me! :) she pushed for a little over an hour. i am so proud of her. she did such a great job and my niece is GORGEOUS!!! those two need to produce lots of beautiful little babies.