Tuesday, October 30, 2007

a thankful moment

I absolutely love and adore my children. Even when I am frustrated and at my wit's end, I just adore these girls. Last night, Ainsley was fussy, it was about 10pm and I was so TIRED. Hannah was still awake and so HYPER! She was dancing around and running back and forth from her room to the living room. I was exhausted just watching her. On one of her trips into the living room, she belted out "Shala, Shala, Mal-E, Kiss the Girl" It was so FUNNY! Thomas and I just busted out laughing! She reminds me so much of myself that it is hilarious! When I was a little kid, I used to make up words to fit the sound of the songs when I didn't know what the real ones were. And more often than not, they weren't even real words. :) And now my precious little girl does the same thing!


Brown Family said...

Oh you have me cracking up over here. Cute lil'Hannah!

chrissy said...

When my kids are driving me nuts, and I'm starting to go bald from pulling out my hair all the time, all it takes is one little moment like that to make motherhood all worth it. They sure can be funny little things!

chrissy said...

TAG! Go read my blog...