Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Six Things About Me

I got tagged... by Jenna! Jenna posted six reasons why she was a dork in highschool... I could easily post six reasons why I was a dork in highschool, but I'll let you read hers and assume that I had very similar experiences in highschool, except it was the late 90s.

1. I moved a LOT when I was a kid. I went to 13 different schools before I graduated highschool. As a result, I am inordinately attached to "things". I was fine and able to handle moving to so many different places and schools (for the most part) because I was able to surround myself with things that were familiar even if the places weren't. I still have issues with this. We tend to move every year, and I have a really hard time parting with my things. As long as I have them, it feels like home. I wonder if this is why I take so much with me when I travel?

2. I'm a good mom. I may not be the world's greatest mom, but I am definitely not the worst! :) I lose my patience occasionally and I am tired a nagging a lot, but I do a good job taking care of my kids. Being a good mom is a huge part of my identity.

3. I'm a good wife. Again, maybe not the world's greatest, but far from the worst. I absolutely love and adore my husband, and I know that he feels the same way about me. We have really been trying to focus on our relationship lately and it is amazing the difference it has made for us.

4. I am a memory keeper. This may fall into the same category as #1 with the collection of "stuff". I really treasure my scrapbooks and my family history. I keep small sentimental things. I have one of my Granny's crochet hooks that is one of my most treasured possessions. I like to keep our current history for my children, but I also like to get to know more about my ancestors and find out where I came from.

5. I am a very religious person. My knowledge that my Heavenly Father and my Savior know me and love me are very sacred to me. I am really trying every single day to be more like the Savior. It's hard and I know I'll never get anywhere close, but every day I try.

6. I'm a NERD! Give me a book or a computer and I am pretty happy!

that's it! I'm gonna tag all my blog readers (even those who don't admit to reading my blog!) who haven't already done this or who just want to do this again!

1 comment:

chrissy said...

eek! i don't know if i'm interesting enough to come up with six whole things about me! he he! but it sure was fun reading about you!