Saturday, March 22, 2008

Seven RANDOM facts about me!

Rachel tagged me, so here we go...

1. I HATE things being misspelled. But when I type, my left hand types faster than my right, so I always end up misspelling things. And I think I might be a bit dyslexic, too.
2. I miss good food. I hate having food allergies. Okay, I know I complain about this all the time, but it's so true! I read a restaurant review on my friend, Jenna's, blog earlier and I am so sad that I can't eat a single thing at that restaurant!
3. I am a packrat AND a clean freak. The two don't mix well. I have stacks and stacks of clean clutter all over the place. The good thing is that I have a lot less clutter today than I did a week ago! My house will get finished soon!
4. I hate wearing socks and closed-in shoes. But I LOVE flipflops and HIGH HEELS, even close-toed ones.
5. I have no desire to ever go to someplace like Hawaii... I'd rather go somewhere I have family.
6. I love to shop, but hate to spend money.
7. Bleach is one of my absolute favorite scents.

Feel free to be tagged and participate!

1 comment:

Angela Toucan said...

I have a hardtime eating out too! IN fact I can't leave the house for longer than an hour without having to take a picnic for me & the kids even if there's going to be plenty of food at the destination. I wish cafes etc would become more allergy-wise