Wednesday, April 11, 2007

my sister...

is in labor right now, and has been since early this morning. She is moving REALLY slowly. They already sent her home once this afternoon because she wasn't progressing fast enough. And then my mom took her back to the hospital this evening... and she is just a little farther along. They may send her back home again. Her contractions are close together, just really irregular. Ash is in a ton of pain and hasn't had any pain meds yet since she hasn't been admitted. My mom is hopeful that since the doctor on call is a female she will be more sympathetic and keep her. Ash's regular doctor is saying that he can't break her water yet... my mom is really frustrated with him. But he is one of the best OBs in Utah. If we move back, he is going to be my doctor.

I have been having painful contractions for the last week... the jerk who said that Braxton Hicks are not painful was LYING! They are totally irregular, though. I am not ready to have this baby yet. I need to get a few more things done. I was teasing Ashley that I was going to have my baby before she had hers. I am really hoping that isn't the case! I'll post photos of my new niece when she gets here! :)

oh! and hannah decided last night to get a cold. we have been pumping her full of cold meds. She is one hyper kid... Dimetapp does not make her sleep! Neither does Robitussin. In fact, they have the opposite effect. She hasn't had a fever at all until tonight. It's only 99.5, but still a fever. I just know that I am going to get this cold, get a fever, go into labor and not be able to have an epidural AGAIN! Just when I decided that I want to have one after all. ;) Hannah sounds so pathetic! Poor kiddo! And when she gets a cold, she pukes. She gags on the mucus and everything comes up. I'm so glad. And she doesn't sleep well, which means I don't sleep well. I have gotten about 3 hours of sleep a night for the last 3 nights. Just practicing for when little Paprika arrives! ;) I just hope that everyone is healthy before she arrives so that my newborn doesn't get sick. anyway... that's it!


Robin said...

Hope your sister and baby are ok!!!! And I hope Hannah feels better so you can get some rest! Hugs!!!!

chrissy said...

You know what's funny? I had my checkup yesterday and our dr. wasn't in the office because he was at the hospital with a delivery. i saw another dr instead. That was at 2. I wonder if it was ash???