Saturday, July 12, 2008

long time no blog...

Things have been really crazy around here lately. With all of the traveling we did, it was nice to get home. We came home from Chicago with Ainsley on a schedule. And now it's pretty much non-existent. I miss it. We had a really busy few days when we got home and everything was just chaotic. Now, she is sick and is sleeping at really strange hours, which makes for a really cranky Mommy! We're not sleeping a whole lot around here these days! Hannah is having a hard time with being home and having to entertain herself and is getting into mischief around here. Every time Ainsley falls asleep, Hannah suddenly gets a burst of energy and runs and dances and sings until Ainsley wakes up. Unhappy Ainsley, unhappy Mommy, unhappy in-time-out Hannah.

Oh well! that's it... Will blog more later. Thomas needs the computer back!

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