Monday, September 03, 2007

new layout

SaraAmarie's Desirable Disasters: Breakroom Kit at Sweet Shoppe Designs
SaraAmarie's More Candy Wrappers kit at SweetShoppeDesigns
SaraAmarie's Candy Wrappers kit from the SweetShoppe Quarterly vol 3 at SweetShoppeDesigns
SaraAmarie's Squished Doh at SweetShoppeDesigns
fonts: Times New Roman, Larger Mime


T-Wan said...

Great layout. I like the blue framing of the picture it makes it stand out from the background. It's wonderful to see the older sibling taking to the younger one.

Brown Family said...

Cute picture! How does Hannah do with Ainsley? Isabelle sometimes has a hard time with Ethan being the baby. Stubborn girl he is 9 months, you would think she would be used to him.