Friday, September 07, 2007

BIG plans this weekend!

Okay, so not really. But I got your attention, didn't I?! :) We are actually going to go open a checking account tonight when Thomas gets home and then we are going to go out to dinner. My aunt got us a gift card to one of our favorite restaurants when Ainsley was born and we are just now getting to use it. :) Soooooo..... hopefully the kids will cooperate and behave and we can have an enjoyable meal! Hannah may rebel, though. She hasn't been able to play with Kayla all week and has been talking ALL DAY about how much fun she is going to have with Kayla tonight. But since we are leaving here pretty early, we shouldn't be out too late. My anti-social, anti-crowds husband wants to be home early. Maybe we'll watch a movie tonight or something. We'll see...


Mary said...

Date night? FUN! To be painfully honest, I have absolutely no idea when the last time Chris and I had a date night with just the two of us. I hope you enjoy!!!!

Meredith said...

well, date night with two kids! :)

Brown Family said...

Have fun! Hope the kids are good for you guys!! :)

Aleisha said...

Family dinners alone are always the best. Hope you guys enjoy yourselves. (Yes, I do know how to quilt, have since I was little. Anytime you want to learn. =o) Its pretty easy. Just finished another one, for stu's b-day.)

Jenna said...

you have one of those husbands too? gotta love em!!!!