Monday, July 30, 2007

cleaning up the old blog-a-roo

so you may notice things changing a bit and links moving. a LOT of designers have moved stores. I had non-family on my family list and family on my friends list. and most of it is no longer in alphabetical order! eek! the blog chaos is making me crazy! I am going to try to make a new header, too. you know, since i've had two children for over three months now and there are only pictures of one of them! you'd think i would have gotten to it sooner!

and coming soon to the cardall "household" a work from home business for meredith that i am actually capable and qualified to do! :) scanning photos and preserving them to disks AND most fun of all a SCRAP 4 HIRE business! That's right, scrapbooking for other people! I'm trying to get stuff together for my website. Looking for a website, check out
Kendra is awesome and she will be helping me with my site! Poor girl doesn't know what she has gotten herself into! If you do contact her, be sure to tell her that I sent you!

and now i am going to go to sleep... and for the record, I only had one Mr.Pibb today and it was a fountain drink so it really doesn't count, right? :) i NEED one right now.

1 comment:

chrissy said...

Wow! busy busy! good for you. you'll do great with scrapbooking for hire!