Wednesday, February 27, 2008

spring flowers craft

Hannah was begging and crying to do a craft earlier today, so I found this website that showed how to make Handprint Lilies. It was pretty easy to do and Hannah did everything except the hand tracing and cutting all by herself.

Hannah was wrapping the finger petals around pen to make them curl.

Hannah was smelling the flower to see if they smelled like REAL flowers. nope. But I am tempted to spray them with something! :)

This is the finished product, complete with crystal bud vase!

Want to do this project? The instructions are here...
We used green, white & yellow construction paper, a bendy-straw for each flower, tape, 3 -4 inches of pipe cleaner for each flower, tape. I only had white pipe cleaners. I wish that I had brown ones for the stamen so that they would look more real. So, I tried to color the tips of the pipecleaners brown with a dry erase marker. Didn't work so well. Hannah has tiny hands so our lilies are skinny. If you have kids with bigger or thicker hands, it would be cute, too! I think the marbled construction paper would be cool for this project, too, but we don't have any.


Amber said...

that is soo cute. tell Hannah I want one.

Angie said...

SO stinkin cute! I cant wait to do that with Maddy.

Sarah said...

What a cute girl!! I can't wait until Emily is big enough to do crafts with me!!

chrissy said...

Aw, look at what a fun mom you are!!! Can I hire you to come do crafts with my kids? ;)