Monday, February 25, 2008

voluntary tagging!

a. four places I go over and over
1. smith's (grocery store)
2. walmart
3. the pediatrician's office
4. the bathroom... I never leave the house anymore! :)

b. four people that e-mail me regularly
1. mary
2. chrissy
3. thomas
4. kimmie

c. four of my favorite foods
1. tacos
2. fried rice (made with couscous instead of rice)

d. four places i would rather be right now...
1. sleeping
2. at my momma's house
3. someplace warm... i'm cold right now!
4. scrapping with the girls!

e. four movies i could watch over and over
1. pride & prejudice
2. Walk the Line
3. Steel Magnolias
4. Friends... I know it's a tv show, but we watch the DVDs over and over and over

people I am tagging.........whoever wants to play!


chrissy said...

D-4...I hope that's referring to THIS WEEKEND!!! WHOO HOO! NO KIDS, ENDLESS SCRAPPIN'!!!

Oh my gosh, I'm going to start hyperventilating... I'm so excited!!!

ashli kay wolf said...

hey girl...i should have tagged ya! glad that you played and all of your croppin' goodiez look AWESOME! I love the flowers that y'all madE SUPER CUTE! have FUN on your WEeKeNd! jeAlOus oh YES i AM!
