Friday, February 01, 2008

Interview With Myself

I saw this on my husband's cousin's wife's blog! Hi Cheryl! I thought it looked like fun!

Interview with myself

1.If your doctor told you today that you were pregnant, what would you say?
I would CRY long and hard and then cry some more. I am way too tired to deal with that again so soon, if ever! I would be happy & excited eventually, but please don't let it happen for a good long time.

2.When was the last time you were on a plane? August, with my 2 girls... never again!

3.What did the last text message you sent say? I have no idea. But the last one I got was from my sister asking if it was snowing up here.

4. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? Eyes and shoulders

5. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future? Lose a few pounds & find my bedroom floor

6.Shoe size? 7 1/2 to 8 1/2

7.Been to Mexico? no thanks! saw it while I was driving through Texas and that was quite close enough!

8. When was the last time you had a massage? Before my shoulder surgery... almost six years ago. And it hurt like heck!

9.What was the last TV show you watched? Diego... But real shows, LOST last night!

10. What are your plans for weekend? Watching Pres. Hinckley's funeral, church, cleaning out my upstairs and moving the last stuff downstairs.

11.If your significant other asked you to marry them TODAy what would you say? YES! I love my Tommy!

12.What is in the backseat of your car right now? One infant seat, one toddler seat, 4 twelve packs of Coke... they're on sale at Albertson's right now!, one toddler leash, one baby bjorn, some kid books to keep hannah entertained in the car, hannah's soccer ball, bags of crushed pretzels, some straggler french fries and hannah's church bag. I looked in last night and thought about cleaning it out, but it was too cold. When it gets a bit warmer it'll get a good cleaning.

13. What were you doing at 8 a.m. this morning? Praying that Hannah would be quiet so she wouldn't wake up Ainsley and I could actually get some sleep... ainsley was up all night again. she doesn't feel well again.

14.If you could marry any celebrity who would it be? BRAD PITT... definitely.

15. Have you ever been to a strip club? No way.

16. What is the best ice cream flavor? Vanilla soy ice cream with hershey's syrup and soynut butter... i'm drooling thinking about it! When I could eat real food, it was vanilla with peanut butter cups & hershey's syrup. i miss REAL peanut butter!

17. What is the last sporting event you watched? when was the last football game???

18.Ever go camping? Yep. Not a fan!

19.Last phone call? Thomas just called me

20. Are you allergic to anything? HA! That's a good question... Everything that tastes or smells good! :) cheryl, i'm allergic to sulfa, too!

21. What is one thing you have learned about life lately?? That with a lot of love and forgiveness you can overcome any obstacle. Some things just require a LOT more love and LOT more forgiveness.

22.What do you do at work? laundry, clean the family room floor, wipe bottoms, change diapers, wipe up snotty noses, clean up puke, clean the family room floor, dishes, garbage, scrub floors, clean the family room floor, clean toilets, scrub showers, clean the family room floor. Seriously. I spend most of my time every day putting the girls' toys away!

23. What is your mother's name? Ruthie... okay, not really. but that's what i call her.

24.Ever cried for no reason? there is always a reason for crying.

25.Can you do the Crank Hat Dance? the what???

26. What is your favorite color to wear? brown. it doesn't show dirt.

27. What is the longest plane ride you have ever been on? longest in duration was from DC to SLC. the one that seemed the longest was from Chicago to SLC last summer with hannah & ainsley. What a nightmare!

28.What is the longest road trip you have ever taken? Jacksonville to SLC & back again... done that one a few times

29.What are your turn offs? smelliness, crass, dirty

30.What is your last alcoholic beverage? never had one

31. What are you craving right now? a piece of quiet!!!! (my family will get that one!) seriously. some peace & quiet. i can't wait for girls' weekend!


chrissy said...

Ok, seriously. What the heck is the Crank Hat Dance? I'm going to have to Wikipedia that one...

RealRach said...

Fun. I played along on my blog too! Looking forward to getting to know you better! Welcome to Krystal Hartley's Creative Ensemble Team!

Cardalls said...

I love this to get to know you better. A fellow sulfa buddy! LOL

Cardalls said...

OH and by the way I am also a big sara evans fan!