Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone is having a great treat-filled day! Hannah woke me up at 6:15 this morning. The time change is killing me! :) So, we got up and went to a little bakery at the beach to get pumpkin donuts. They were out, so we got chocolate donuts instead. :) And they had the best fountain Pepsi. We were going to carve our pumpkin when we got home, but the maintenance workers were in our building and they told us that they were getting ready to turn off the water for the day. So, Thomas had to get ready for work instead. I ran around like a crazy person trying to get Hannah bathed and her Halloween costume washed. Then, we were going to go to my mom's house and hang out and run some errands with her today. But then my sister found out last night that she and her husband are moving to Utah this weekend instead of at the end of November. So, my mom is at Ashley's house helping her pack. I can't help with anything there, and Hannah would just get in the way. So, we are at home with no water. Great start to the day! :)

Anyway... we are going to visit Thomas at work tonight before we go trick-or-treating. He is the only finance guy with a little kid who lives with him and he has to work late tonight. He also had to work Father's Day. Great system, eh?! :) I'll post photos tomorrow hopefully! :)

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