Monday, October 02, 2006

Bad Blogger!

Ugh! So sorry it has been so long since I last posted. Hannah & I are over the strep infection. But now Hannah is running another fever and we are heading back to the pediatrician's office in a few minutes. She was supposed to have foot surgery this week, but we cancelled it. I just can't deal with that right now. Plus we are battling with our insurance about coverage for my lab work and other tests I've been having. I don't want to add a surgery in there to throw them off track. Other than all of that, I have been keeping busy spending time with my parents before they move. I am TRYING REALLY HARD to get my school stuff done, but I just can't seem to fit it all in. I HAVE to get this class done before Dec 1. Only 8 more weeks. I haven't even taken the mid-term. I have 3 lessons to do this week. That is what I get to do when we get home from Hannah's appt. So much fun, I just can't wait! :) well, we have to leave in a few minutes and i haven't even done hannah's hair yet. good thing it doesn't take much to throw some gel in! :) hope everyone has a good day!

1 comment:

chrissy said...

Busy busy busy! When does life slow down and let us take a rest???