Sunday, June 11, 2006

Good news!!!!

Our application for the condo got accepted! It looks like we will be moving on July 5th, because that's the first day Thomas can get off work. I am so excited! I was walking down the hall at church today and one of the ladies who found the condo for us, told me that they got a response back Friday afternoon after the office closed! We have to go talk to them and put down our deposit and work out all the details. I have to go choose paint colors tomorrow so that we can get them approved and paint before we move our stuff in! Everything is just working out perfectly and I am so glad that we waited! Heavenly Father really does answer our prayers, even when he think he isn't listening! :)

1 comment:

chrissy said...

Yea!!! That's fantastic! What colors do you hope to paint it?