Saturday, April 01, 2006

120 down. . . thousands to go

I am desperately trying to get caught up in my scrapbooking. . . I scrapped over 120 photos yesterday. I created about 8 layouts so you can imagine how many photos are on each layout! I can't bear to part with any of my photos, so here is my new scrapbooking philosophy. I tend to take a LOT of photos at one time. Like 20 to 30 of a park outing. So, I will pick my favorite photos and do a 1 or 2 page spread and then I will do a photo collage out of the rest of them. I am going to use the same digital kit for the collage pages so that there is some kind of continuity. I just don't know what else to do. I know a lot of people who have their scrapbooks and their photo albums separate, but I just don't want to do that. I want everything in one place. Any ideas???

1 comment:

chrissy said...

I already commented on a different post about this, but I really think what you're doing is smart. Then all your pictures stay together chronologically with the layout.