Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Life update...

Yep, still in school. I should be studying right now, but I wanted to update my blog with the Living For Eden benefit. Scroll down to the next post to see it. Kids are still kids. They are absolutely adorable and they absolutely make me want to pull my hair out on a daily basis! :) Ainsley is almost two and is climbing everywhere. She climbs up on Hannah's top bunk every night and sleeps up there. Hannah hates it because Ainsley kicks her and is all over the place. So we tried moving her after she fell asleep. Well, she woke up in the middle of the night and just climbed up there anyway. Little stinker! Hannah is almost five... yep, five! She is doing fine. She is being stubborn about not wanting to read. We're working on it, though. She will be starting school in the fall and she is really excited. She got the deferment to go to a different school in our school district, but hopefully she won't need it!

We put an offer in on a house in Eagle Mountain earlier this week. It's absolutely adorable and it's HUGE. Perfect for our family! For those of you who know us, you know that Thomas complains on a daily basis that we have too much stuff and he hates it. Well, in that house, we would have at least three empty rooms... completely empty rooms! NICE! Hopefully we will find out sometime this week if the bank accepts our offer.

Not much else going on other than that. If anyone wants to help us pack or move tons of stuff to a new house, any and all help will be welcomed! Anyone have a good carpet cleaner or air duct cleaner that they want to recommend? I better go study...


Ticklemedana said...

sweet...hope you get the house! I hear it's a good time to buy right now...and we should meet up and do session in the SLC temple sometime...I just went to Jordan River and I haven't been to SLC yet...let me know! =)

DottieLou said...

have truck will help move. good luck on the house