Friday, August 28, 2009

more August!

I scrapbooked! Some new, some old, but I am just excited that I did it! First up, we have Hannah when she went to school to meet her teacher. This layout makes me so sad and I know that I am going to ball my eyes out on Thursday! I need to borrow Uncle Helen's pumpkin glasses! My sisters will get that.

Next up... the kids were really bored today! They had a blast playing with these paper cups this morning. Now I am ready to throw them all away because they are fighting over them and filling them up with water and throwing them at each other... okay, that only happened ONCE, but it was enough to bring out Mad Momma!

I think I already shared this photo, but I scrapped it this week! It's Ainsley sneaking a cookie on my desk... little monster.

And this is a page I did of Ainsley as a baby. I can't believe that she is so big! It's hard to remember that she was so tiny once upon a time. Or so bald! Good grief I have bald babies! Good thing they outgrow THAT!
That's it! We're just keeping busy with work, keeping the kids from fighting, getting ready for school, cleaning, keeping the kids from fighting, yardwork, unpacking the house, keeping the kids from fighting... you get the picture!


Angie said...

GORGEOUS mere! They all look great... Very creative! I especially love the baby one of Ainsley. Very cute kit and ADORABLE little bald baby! And Hannah starting kindergarten?! Thursday?! I need to borrow the pumpkin glasses too! :)

ashalston said...

okay so i commented on all of your facebook pictures. but i will comment here too. i am so happy/sad hannah is in school! it's hard to believe that little peanut is 5!! she will love school though and i bet her teachers will get a good laugh out of her and how smart she already is. And I love those scrapbook pages at the end... little ainsley really looks like a little doll in that last one. i just love these girls!!