Saturday, April 11, 2009

this month in photos... so far!

The month started out kinda crazy around here. Pretty much like every other month! We really enjoyed watching General Conference. BUT, starting Friday Ainsley had a 104.5 degree temperature. Not good. She didn't have any other symptoms at all. Just a really high fever all weekend. She went down for a nap on Monday afternoon with a nap and woke up totally fine. We never did find out was wrong with her and no one else got sick. We were very blessed!

Poor little munchkin just wanted to sleep on her Dora couch. She was too exhausted to climb on her bunkbed!

Poor Hannah was bored out of her skull. So, I grabbed her some cookies and frosting at the grocery store. That kept her happy for hours!

Hannah and I also had a cooking night one evening. We made eggrolls. Hannah begged to make them. She took one bite of the finished product and declared that she doesn't like eggrolls. More for me!

We finally had some warm weather and the kids were so excited to get out and enjoy the warm weather.

Hannah loves riding her scooter. Thanks, Grandma!

After riding bikes, we headed over to the park to go down the slides.

Then we went back to the house and found the bubbles.

They made me blow bubbles for them for a while. Then I got winded and gave the bubles to Hannah. She blew bubbles for a while.

Then Ainsley wanted to try.

She ate more bubbles than blew.

Hannah brought in a dandelion (and made me SNEEZE all night). She kept smelling it. Her entire nose was YELLOW by the end of the night.

Chrissy called us Thursday night and asked if we wanted to go to the zoo. So, bright and early Friday morning we got up and got ready. The kids were so anxious about going to the zoo, we decided to go out and play at the park while we were waiting for Chrissy. My kids love that park. It's the one thing the kids are going to miss the most about living here, I think.

some of the cousins posing for a picture

my kids don't like merry-go-rounds. I put them both on animals to ride. They both freaked out. Yes, even Hannah who has ridden them MANY times alone. So, lucky Mom got to sit on the merry-go-round bench with the kids. I don't love merry-go-rounds either. I think we'll skip this part of the zoo experience from now on.

Hannah, excited to be at the zoo, or just out of the house...

Hannah & Carter being monkeys waiting for the other kids to come out of the bathroom.

Some of the cousins in the rhino cave. They have a button you can push to smell the rhino poo. Lovely...

Hannah was completely enthralled with the giraffe's long tongue. So she showed me how long her tongue is!

Ainsley just wanted out of her stroller.

Hannah and a cousin looking at the penguins... I think.

Hannah was being a tiger! I think she hit a growthspurt. All of her jeans are an inch or two too short and apparently so are her shirts... Fun!

We took a picnic lunch with us. Ainsley was so excited to be out of her stroller. And that kid LOVES cheese. She saw her lunch and just started laughing.

Ainsley wanted to eat like an animal. She is going through a puppy phase right now where she is constantly pretending to be a puppy.

And of course, Hannah wanted to try, too!

After lunch, Ainsley finally got out of her stroller. I made her wear the puppy backpack/leash. She loved seeing the monkeys.

Hannah loved the reptile house. It was hot and smelled like urine.

Ainsley did NOT want to wear her backpack anymore. I gave her the choice of wearing the backpack and walking OR sitting back in the stroller. She chose the stroller!

Hannah loves to pose like a "supermodel". Are little girls just born with that desire? I have no clue where she gets this stuff. Maybe her girl cousins?

After we got home from the zoo, the girls wanted to play at the park for a few minutes. They were chasing each other in circles and all around the park. They kept racing to climb up to the slide. Ainsley was laughing uncontrollably and Hannah kept telling me that she was too fast for me to take a picture of her. Goofy little monkeys!

We had a flashlight easter egg hunt at Aunt Aimee's house on Friday night. Almost the entire family was there and it was a lot of fun! There were lots of cupcakes and candy so the girls had the time of their lives!

The kids were playing some form of "one potato, two potato" with their feet. Hannah LOVES playing games with her cousins!

Ever since the incident with the bead in her nose, Ainsley has been addicted to flashlights. She absolutely loves them and is never allowed to play with them. So she was soooo excited to be turned loose with a flashlight all to herself!

Hannah was really excited about the flashlight, too! She was so excited about the egg hunt. My kids were the last ones outside hunting for eggs.

Hannah found some of the eggs that the other kids missed!

Ainsley was showing me her flashlight.

Grandma Shelly helped Hannah & Liv sort through their eggs.

Ainsley was so sad that the egg hunt was over. So, she went and sat on the back doorstep and pouted. It was hilarious. She is such a drama queen!

These are the pictures from our Easter Egg Coloring earlier tonight. The girls had so much fun coloring eggs!

Hannah likes to pretend like the egg holder is a wrench and she likes to look through it like eyeglasses. Crazy little kiddo!

Isn't my little family cute? I love them so much!

Ainsley was sooooo happy to be coloring eggs!

She wanted to show us all her egg!

No more eggs, Ainsley. Sorry. She was so upset. She actually climbed up on the counter to try to get to the cracked eggs that we didn't color. Thomas told her no and that she needed to get down off the counter.

My poor little baby was completely heartbroken...

Until Daddy told her that she could have a piece of chocolate... stinker!

My little cuties just thought that their eggs were the most beautiful creations in the entire world. And they were!

Hannah was sooooo excited to see that the egg she used the clear crayon on really did work!


ashalston said...

Okay I can't wait to see you guys tonight! I absolutely love Ainsley's hair in pigtails. That is so cute! She looks like a little toddler... no more baby. Sad. And Hannah is cute as ever. AND, I love that white and black shirt thing you are wearing... cute! We will see you SOON! Love you.

Aleisha said...

I can't believe how big they are. Hannah looks like you and Ainsley looks like Thomas. When are you going to have another? =o) Any news on the new house?

Robin said...

Wow, your girlies are growing up so much! I am ROFL at the pics of them eating like animals. So cute, Meredith!

Angie said...

You have two of the most adorable girls in the WORLD. I love how close they are. I miss my sisters!!! :(

Angela Toucan said...

they are adorable Meredith!