Wednesday, November 05, 2008


More sickies in my house! I have a huge presentation at school tomorrow night and I can't get ready for it because my life is too chaotic. I actually have it done, but I wanted to go back and polish it up a bit and make it more pretty. I was planning to bake some cupcakes to take in, too, but that's not gonna happen now. Ains went to bed about 8pm and then woke up at 11 puking. So, instead of bedtime for Mommy it was more laundry, bathtime for Ainsley, disinfecting and scrubbing her bed and the bathroom and bathtub after her bath. She is 18 months old and it's a really hard age for her to be sick. She is old enough to know that she doesn't like throwing up, but not old enough to recognize it far enough ahead of time. And she does NOT like hanging her head over the trashcan or the toilet. I am really worried about her getting dehydrated. She has thrown up 10 times in the last hour and a half. Not exaggerating. Poor little baby is sitting on the nasty old Dora couch (I just washed it over the weekend) watching Noggin. She is just laying there. Thomas isn't feeling well either. I am just waiting to get this nastiness right before we leave for Florida (I mean Chicago)! We are all going to get flu shots/mists in a week... or do we have to wait two weeks? Either way, we are all getting them. I cannot handle another winter like last year. I just hope that what Ainsley has is the same thing that Hannah had so that she doesn't get it again. Yuck. Anyway... that's my life in a nutshell lately! School, attempting to scrapbook and taking care of sick people. Fun!


ashalston said...

uhm... did you mean Chicago when you said Florida? Or are you going to Florida too? Hope your little tyke feels better! If I can do anything let me know!

Meredith said...

dangit! i meant chicago... i wish florida. i don't like cold.

Susan Catmull said...

Sorry for all the sickness thats going on in your house. Hope everyone gets better.

Sislers said...

Yucky!! I'm just praying Renton only gets sniffly this season rather than dealing with the flu...and praying and praying!