Monday, March 10, 2008

some pictures

Here are few fun pictures from the last week or so...

I put Ainsley in her exersaucer with a Red Vine. It bought me about 15 minutes of peace and quiet.

This is Ainsley & I relaxing together before the Red Vine. She has the stinkiest baby feet in the entire world! Not kidding. You could smell those little feet across the room. She wasn't wearing sock or anything. I scrubbed her feet at least three times that day. She just had a stinky feet couple of days. Thank goodness it has gone away.

We went to the park this afternoon. It was about 50 degrees today and beautifully sunny. The air was actually clean and you could see the mountains.

Hannah learned how to pump her legs while swinging today. Mommy even tried to do it a little bit. Mommy was pretty nauseas for a while.

This is Hannah when she got to the bottom of the HUGE twisty slide.

This is Hannah and Daddy playing soccer this afternoon. Hannah is so TALL and is so grown up these days. Love that little kiddo!

This is Ainsley's first time in a swing. She didn't seem to have much of an opinion on it. Hannah used to love to swing at this age, but Ainsley just sat there. She didn't seem scared at least. This is the most of a smile I was able to get out of her.

This is Ainsley standing up on her own at the park. She's wearing REAL shoes! Before, her shoes were always too big and the only ones that fit her were her boot slippers. So, I was trying to find her some shoes to wear today and I found these adorable little tennis shoes. They are a size 3! She never even wore her size 1 & size 2 shoes. They were too wide for her.

Daddy, Ainsley & Hannah walking through the grass together.

Hannah & Ainsley sitting on one of the turtle statues at the park.


Unknown said...

Oh Meredith, your girls are so grown up! I'm glad you were able to get out and enjoy the nice weather. I'm still waiting for the snow to melt around here!

chrissy said...

FUN! I love Crainsler's little shoes. I saw some tonight at Ross that I almost bought for Olivia. But she's not walking yet, and soon it'll be summer, and she'll need sandals or something cooler. I might just bypass the shoe thing altogether. :)

Mary said...

How fun! Glad you were able to enjoy the gorgeous weather. Too bad its going to snow again this weekend. ugh.

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Aleisha said...

They grow way to fast. They are so cute, and hannah looks so tall.

Brown Family said...

Wow, Hannah looks so tall! Looks like everyone had a great time at the park.

Amber said...

Hannah looks so tall. I can't believe it. I miss you all.

Angie said...

I LOVE these pictures... They are SO adorable! And it looks like spring. I am jealous.

Unknown said...

Mere- your kids are growing so fast and they are so beautiful.
Sure do miss you guys.....Rhoda