Saturday, March 22, 2008

Aleisha tagged me!

Thanks, Aleisha!!!!

3 things that....

Fascinate me:
How things work... like cars.
How things are made... I LOVE that show on the Discovery Channel
Am I really so dull that I can only think of two???

Inspire me:
Beauty. Beautiful things like flowers, mountains, trees, clouds.
My kids. They inspire me to be a better person.
The gospel. I can do it. And what I can't do on my own, the Savior will help me.

Anger me:
Dumb people. Especially dumb people driving.

Delight Me:
My kids! They make me laugh!
Vanilla soy ice cream with Hershey's syrup and soy nut butter. I REALLY wish I had some right now!
Hannah telling me that she loves me & seeing Ainsley smile when I get her out of her crib!

Frighten me:
That my husband or kids won't live as long as me.
Not having health insurance
SPIDERS! I hate them!

Relax me:
A HOT bath with a book and a scented candle... hmmm, the kids ARE asleep! :)
A hug from my amazing husband
A clean house, hence the reason I am ALWAYS stressed out these days!

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