Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Same Old Stuff

Okay, Chrissy, this one is for you...

I have tried to sign-in and post to blogger a few times over the last couple of weeks, but something always happens. Like the log-in screen won't come up or I just get errors. That's what I get for going with the free service.

So, my parents are moving to Chicago. Just when I really need them the most, they decide to up and leave me here. Okay, so I won't really be alone... My sister and her husband are here right now and my brother and his wife are here, too. And I have a cousin here, too. So it won't be the end of the world, but I am going to miss my mom being around. This sounds lame, but my mom is my very best friend. And I am going to miss her.

And just when I thought my weekend couldn't get any better, Sunday morning at about 6am, Hannah throws up on me because of a coughing attack. The kid has the strongest gag reflex in the world. She starts coughing and her dinner is coming up. I took her temperature... 103.5. So, we didn't go to church. That's twice this month already. Her fever pretty much went away after a single dose of Tylenol, but I still couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. She didn't act like anything was bothering her, so I asked her if anything hurt. She said her bottom hurt when she went potty. So, I figured she had a UTI. Her urine output was next to nothing all day and she was drinking constantly. I took her to the doctor yesterday and no UTI, but she does have strep and pink-eye. My throat has been hurting for 3 days, but I figured it was just allergies. So I am going to have a strep-test today. Should be a blast! I am never going to get caught up on everything. Hannah and I slept in my room last night and Thomas slept on the couch because he doesn't have any symptoms yet. So I was up half the night trying to avoid little toddler feet and fists. Hannah is not a peaceful sleeper. She was talking about doughnuts in her sleep last night, a couple of different times. This morning when she woke up, guess what she wanted for breakfast! :) Such a funny little girl. I can't get her to let me put the drops in her eye, so I am going to have to hold her down to get them in. Hopefully they'll work. She is still coughing constantly so I doped her up on Dimetapp, too.

Well, I better go get ready for my appointment. Hope everyone is having a good day! And if you aren't, just remember, it can always get worse! :) You know, Thomas could be sick, too! He is such a baby when he is sick! much worse than Hannah! :)


chrissy said...

Aw, I'm so sorry everything sucks! All at once, it seems. When are your parents moving? Is it a permanent move? Does this mean there's a window of opportunity for me to convince you to move out here??? :)

I'm sorry Hannah's sick, too. Maybe Ashlyn gave her strep :) She's on day eight of antibiotics right now. Last year she caught strep after only three days of school, this year she didn't catch it for a whole nine days!

Meredith said...

wouldn't take much to convince me! it's thomas you need to work on. we have ten months left on our lease, and we need really good health insurance until next year with everything that's going on. but by next fall, when the new semester starts at byu... we could be out there!

Aleisha said...

I cant believe your parents are moving. I didnt think they would ever leave florida. Why the sudden decison to move?? I am moving home in December and we might end up staying there for three years. Were looking at houses in the sandy and provo area right now, they seem to be cheaper then anywhere else. That would be awesome if you moved there. Sorry about you guys being sick. Hope you get well soon. Hugs and loves from all of us!!!

Mary said...

I'll agree with them! Come to UTAH!! And a guy in my stake presidency owns a car dealership in Bountiful and Orem - since I know how much Thomas 'loves' the car business... ;) yeah right.
Anyway, hope you feel better!!!