Saturday, April 14, 2007

would you put this on your wall?

I really want to do some of my own artwork for my walls. This is an 8x10... would you hang it on your wall? assuming, of course, that it matches your color scheme. I just don't know if it is too busy. What do you think?
laura burger's luv ya collection
angel wings by paper moons from her march madness celebration
iron beads from sophia sarducci
flexible feature frames by ange barton at ssd


Aleisha said...

I would, I love it. Its not busy at all. If you want busy LO's look at gina Its great work, but busy. Your is very classy, and I love it. =o)

chrissy said...

heck yeah i'd put it up! that's the biggest thing down here. go to any botique in utah (and there's a billion of them) and it's really popular. sometimes they have room for a picture, sometimes it's just a design or theme on an 8x8 or 12x12. cutest idea ever! make one for me! ash's room's main color is purple, carter's is navy, my living room is brick red...
