Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Oh my goodness! It was so nice to see family today! We met Ryan, Cori & Jordyn in Daytona for lunch. We met up at 7-11 and then drove around to find a restaurant. We drove through some of Daytona's more interesting areas to find somewhere! :) I'm glad that Hannah can't read and doesn't understand what XXX means! :) And I really hope that Jordyn thought that all the signs advertising dancing girls were dance studios! We finally made it to a safe restaurant and had a great time together at lunch. Then we went over to the beach and hung out for a bit. Hannah & Jo built a couple of sandcastles together. We weren't planning to go to the beach so we didn't have Hannah's swimsuit with us or even a towel! :) Thankfully Aunt Cori was more prepared than us! We just let Hannah run around in her diaper since we were only there for about 45 minutes. Thomas & Ryan stayed up on the boardwalk most of the time since they didn't want to get sand in their shoes. It was so nice to see Hannah interacting with family, other kids. Even though Jo is 7 years older than Hannah, it was so much fun to watch them play together. It completely solidified in my mind that we need to move out west and live near family. We are trying to get out there, it just may take us some time. Anyway, thanks for everything, Cori & Ryan! It was great to see you guys! And it only took us a little over an hour to get home, even with traffic! Hope you guys were as lucky!


chrissy said...

XXX! ha ha that's a culture shock for ya!

Sounds like you guys had fun! See, wouldn't it be fun for Hannah to have a bazillion cousins living around her? :)

Aleisha said...

Way cute picts!! Hey, will you help me sometimes deck my blog out with the cute little headers like yours and show me how to use it, when ya get some time?? lol