Thursday, March 11, 2010

Yard work, Surprise Snow & Disney on Ice

Finally, some pictures of the kiddos for you.

We had one really nice day last week. The kids played in the yard digging up worms and replanting the flower bulbs they dug out in the fall. They also rode their bikes. Ainsley got tired of her shoes and traded them in for her favorite polka-dotted slippers. She also taught herself to ride Hannah's tricycle. She was really proud of herself, but she kept getting frustrated with our uneven driveway. She kept getting stuck on various bumps and cracks. But, Hannah was a great big sister and she was really patient with Ainsley and kept coaching and encouraging her to keep trying. What sweet girls!

Progress? At least there isn't any snow!

Some signs of spring!

Ainsley's favorite hiding spot. She figured out the child-proof locks and she is so tiny that she fits right in the pantry with the door closed. Silly kid!

And less than 24 hours AFTER our yard-work day we woke up to this...

The kids had a blast playing in the snow, but quickly grew cold and wanted to ride bikes... bikes don't ride well on the snowy driveway! So, we went in and had hot chocolate instead.

Pretty flowers next to the rocks I dug out of random spots in my yard. Those are HEAVY rocks! Anyone know what kind of flowers those are? They are all over random spots in my yard.

Ainsley ready to go to Aunt Cori & Uncle Rynus' house. She's got her jammies, her cute Lelli Kelli shoes that she is completely in love with & her princess sleeping bag. She's all set for a night of playing with cousins and watching good movies while Mom & Dad hang out with family, too!

Ainsley all ready for church. What's with the fake smile?

Hannah, all ready for church

My cute girls together! Ainsley loves to carry one of Hannah's little scripture sets around. It's cute!
Last night, we took the kids to Disney on Ice. We met up with three of Thomas' sisters and their families. When we got there we saw big signs that said no cameras allowed so I made Thomas take the camera back to the car, but we managed to get a few before the show. AND... I was so mad when we got in there because I think we were the only parents without their camera! Thankfully, my sisters-in-law were prepared and had their cameras. I don't have the photos yet, but hopefully I'll get them to scrap soon. The kids loved the show. Ainsley got a bit bored during The Lion King & towards the end of Tinkerbell, but Hannah loved it!

cute picture of my excited princess & fairy before we left

so excited in the car!

hannah posing for her photo...

hannah, ainsley, daddy & some random guy... ready for the show!

me & my girls!

after the show, looking pretty ragged!

photo of the inside of the union pacific building. it's beautiful in there! thanks, thomas, for the photo!


ashalston said...

yayyy! pictures! i love them! those girls are so dang cute. i think it's hilarious that ainsley hides in the pantry and moreso funny that she FITS in the pantry! what a peanut!

Angie said...

Such CUTE pictures! I love the ones of the girls riding their bikes. Ainsley looks way too grown-up. How'd she get all that hair?? Could she teach Maddy to grow some???

Glad you guys had fun at Disney on Ice! I want to go! It looks like the girls had a blast... and Thomas too. I think he was just as excited as the girls. I love the picture you took of them on the stairs. The one of you & the girls is adorable too... Hannah looks SO much like you!

Miss you TONS!

Sara said...

You have such pretty girls. Your photos are beautiful. It's just like Utah to be 55 one day and then snow the next. Rotten weather. I think those flowers might be Snowdrops. Bulbs are my favorites because they pop up even with snow on the ground. Any sign of spring is good! :)