Monday, January 11, 2010

December Photos

I have been really bad about posting photos lately, but here are some to tide you over.
Hannah went bowling for the first time in her life. She went for a birthday party. She was a bit disappointed that she didn't bowl as well as she does on the Wii, but she had a great time with her friends. She spent more time running and hanging around (literally) than she did bowling.

We had a family Christmas party at Grandpa & Grandma Cardall's house. The kids put on a Nativity play. Our girls were both shepherds. Then we did a gift exchange and the kids all got matching jammies. Grandma Shelly made the jammie pants for the older kids.

We did a LOT of baking this year. I gave the girls each a plate of cookies to decorate so that they could do all the disgusting stuff like lick their frosting spoon without giving germs to the world. Mmmm... those soynut butter cookies look really good right now. I made homemade gingerbread with Ruthie's recipe. It was amazing.
We went to temple square. I played around with my new camera and got some amazing photos. You can't really tell how good they are in these photos, but I was really impressed with the quality of photos.

These are the dresses that Grandma Ruthie sent the girls for Christmas. LOVED them!

These are our Christmas pictures. Not too great, but that's okay.

And these are actually from last week, but they fit. Ainsley threw a snowball at Hannah and missed by a mile. Hannah threw a giant snowball at Ainsley's face and hit her right-on. Then we built a snowman. The snow wasn't great for building snowmen or even snowballs. But we managed and then Ainsley ate half the snowman eyes... Oreos.

That's it so far. Every day is an adventure with my kids.

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