Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Conversations with a 2 year old...

It's 10pm on a school night. Hannah is asleep in bed. Ainsley has been fighting sleep for the last two hours and finally looks like she is going to give up the fight and go to sleep. I head downstairs to do some work to ensure that the upstairs is nice and quiet. A few minutes there is a tell-tale thump as Ainsley climbs over the baby gate in her doorway and marches down the hall and down the stairs.
Me: Ainsley, what are you doing? Why are you not asleep?
A: Guys, I have to tell you something.
Me: What do you need to tell us?
A: I need to tell you a story.
Me: Okay. Tell me a story really quickly.
A: Once upon a time, there was a girl named Hannah asleep in your bed. There was a girl named Ainsley.
{shrugs shoulders}
That's it.

Round 2:
Ainsley is back in bed.
Repeat situation 1.

Round 3:
Repeat situation 1 &2

Then comes the speed chatting round that I can't even begin to keep up with. Random topics include... pooping in her diaper, wearing tiny coats to play in the rain, a discussion about what everyone is wearing and what they would be wearing if they took off their pajamas, "Hey Guys. I just have tiny poops in my diaper.", more poopy talk, the bathroom floor, peeing on the bathroom floor, jumping in the leaves outside, something sparkly on the carpet, bananas splashed on the ceiling, old socks, old yucky bottles need to go in the sink, "Oh. I found popcorn downstairs. So, I can eat it.", "Mom, I just have one more poop in my bottom. Then I can go upstairs." and yucky stuff in her ears sometimes.
all in the space of 2 minutes.

This little chica makes me laugh! :)


chrissy said...

what a nut. i think my favorite part is the fact that instead of "mom and dad", it's "hey guys". awesome.

Angie said...

Random! I love it. Especially the bananas on the ceiling and something sparkly on the carpet. What a nut.