Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Moved the music...

I moved my music playlist to the top of my blog so that if you want to turn the music off you don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom of my growing blog list! Don't worry. My Lost previews aren't gone. I just moved them down a bit since there aren't any new episodes for another MONTH! Hope this works better for y'all!


Jenae said...

Hello Meredith,
I hope you don't mind if I add your blog to my google reader. You are one of those who always finds the coolest things and likes to share. You are so talented with your layouts and designs. Your blog headers are fabulous!
Jenae (Chrissy's cousin)

Meredith said...

sounds great, jenae! did you know that i am married to thomas, chrissy's brother? so, we're family! :)