Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Calgon take me away!

Hannah has been doing really well with her potty training yesterday and today. My mom left a while ago to take Shelby to church. I put her on the potty twice. She didn't have to go. I asked her again if she needed to go, she said no. I turned around and opened the fridge to get something to eat and she said, "I'm peeing!" Little stinker! So, she had her first accident of the day with me. She kept yelling at me earlier that she wanted Grandma to take her potty not Mommy. She even stayed dry while Grandma and Hannah were out running errands. Makes me feel great as a mom... How come no one ever tells you how much work kids are? And how come you never believe it when people do tell you? I took several Child Development and Parenting classes in college, why do I still feel so unprepared and inadequate as a mother? Does anyone ever truly feel like they are doing a good job parenting? I know that I am doing my best. I love my children. They have all their basic needs met. I do my best to make sure that I play with them and spend time with them each day. I'm a good mom, I know that. I guess I just don't feel like there is enough of me to go around each day. There is so much more that I could be doing, probably even should be doing. I guess that is true in every aspect of life. I keep reminding myself that I just have to do the best I can and keep learning and keep growing. That's why we are all here, to learn and grow and do the best we can.


Aleisha said...

You just took the words out of my mouth. I feel the same way. Guess were all pretty much in the same boat, we just have to keep trying. =o)

chrissy said...

oh mere. your post made me so sad!

you're definately not alone in how you feel. i think being a parent (especially a MOM, dad's have it soooo easy!!!) is the hardest job in the whole world. you love your kids so much, but, especially when they're little, all of your time and energy goes to them. you're never allowed to be selfish, and if you are, then you feel judged and guilty for it. it's a hard balancing act, nearly impossible. i think anyone who says they've got it figured out is LYING!!! don't ever feel bad you're not doing enough. you've got great kids and you're doing a wonderful job with them!!! i strongly believe our heavenly father won't give us more than we can handle. so hang in there! keep plugging along!!! and remember that your kids have a really cool aunt in salt lake who would LOVE to take them for an afternoon to give you a break!!! :)

Sislers said...

I totally understand! I'm always feeling like I'm being pulled in all different directions. Am I a good wife, mother, friend, daughter. I always want to make everyone happy, as well as making myself happy to stay sane. But there's just not enough hours in the day...or I'm too tired...or something comes up.
It is hard, but I completely agree with Chrissy...Heavenly Father never gives you more than you can handle.
Hang in there... :)

ashalston said...

what a stinker! I miss that little girl

Brown Family said...

I totally know what you are going through. Sorry you are having a bad day. I think most good moms are cursed with the thoughts, "Are we good parents?" or "What am I doing wrong?" You are doing great! Hope your day gets better. I miss cute little Hannah!

Angie said...

So i decided that you cant leave, because since you've been out of town at the reunion, I've missed you guys!!! Come back, dangit.

otismiller said...

OK, so I am the only one with the voice of reason.
A child's job is to make their parents nuts. I can see that you all have successful children...they have made you all crazy!
Your job is to love the little stinkers...and I can see that you are all extremely successful in that category!
Other than that, there is not much to say. If you could see yourselves from the outside like I can, the wonder and the amazement is that you are all so 'virtuous and lovely and of good report' as well as creative, caring, full of fun, and down right 'hot' Mamas to boot.
You all turned out fabulous dispite all the 'mistakes' we all made raising you. You will be even better Moms because you are smart enough not to repeat our errors. I love you all!

otismiller said...

P.S. I'll bet that you or one of your sisters gave your Mom a day like Hannah gave you. Having Hannah "bond" with you Mom is just one of life's little rewards for Grandma. It lets you know that it was all worth it to hang in there...even if it is 20 or 30 years later.
Gracie would never eat anything. Aimee had that hardest time getting her to eat. I showed up for a visit and Gracie had to eat eveything I ate...hard boiled eggs and all kinds of stuff that she refused before I came. I even ate some pretty exotic stuff just to see if she would try it. She did! Aimee was pretty irritated because every mouthful of food she tried to get her to eat was a battle. I loved it! I bet your Mom loved it when Hannah was an angel for her!

Now all of your friends will know how weird I am...and you will be glad that I don't post very often!

Meredith said...

no way, sharon!!! keep posting! i need a voice of reason!