Friday, June 01, 2007

a million thanks!

oh wow! Last night some family friends came over and helped us pack! Thanks so much Candy & Rick and Tammy! And Ramona brought us some boxes! I am so grateful for good friends. It makes me sad to leave. If I didn't know that we were supposed to be in Utah, I would seriously question leaving. Rick and Thomas took apart the kitchen table and Rick organized all the packed boxes and taped boxes while Candy and Tammy packed the kitchen. It is completely packed with the exception of a few pots and pans (& the dishes in the dishwasher). We went to the store and got paper plates, cups and silverware for the next week.

Okay, Leslie, I have tons of boxed foods that I can't put in storage. Like cereal, rice-a-roni and pasta. Do you guys eat that kind of stuff? And maybe tons is an exaggeration. Probably a mid-size box of food. We'll probably put it in a storage bin and bring it in the car with Thomas. We can always put it in our room if there isn't room for it anywhere else.

I got most of the clothes from my room packed for storage. It is really depressing that less than 1/4 of my clothes fit me. I found one pair of non-maternity jeans that fit me. I won't even go into what size they are. Just suffice it to say that I still have about 45 pounds to lose to get back to pre-prego weight. I need to start exercising. I have my check-up next week and will hopefully be cleared for exercising! Well, I am going to go take a shower and pack some more. Ainsley is napping so I need to take advantage of that to get stuff done.


Sislers said...

Yep, you're welcome to bring any food items that you want. We do eat that stuff, if I had time to make it all. I will be re-organizing things these next couple of weeks, so you guys can have some space to yourselves :) Like I said, we want you guys to be comfortable and enjoy being there


Sislers said...

Oh, and also here are some items that will be for your use:
TV, DVD Player, chest of drawers for Hannah's and ainsley's clothes, bed for Hannah.
There will probably be other items, if you want them, for your use, but you can decide when you get here.
As for the couch, we ended up getting a new fridge, so you will need to bring your couch, unless you like sitting on the floor :)

Aleisha said...

Sounds like you've got a lot of help. Thats great, I hope its easing a lot of the tenson from the move. =o)

Mary said...

Thats great! I'm so glad that you're getting the help you need. It sounds like things are seriously coming along! I love the paper plates idea!

And don't worry about the preg weight. I lost all the weight I gained with Eli pretty quick - and STILL didn't fit into anything. I'm convinced its not really the weight... its just having a baby. Give it some time. You'll fit into everything in no time.

chrissy said...

I'm glad you've had help packing. Hopefully things are coming along so you don't have to stress out thursday night!!!