Monday, December 04, 2006


They are such babies when they are sick! Thomas is supposed to be starting at a new dealership today, but he is home sick. He has the flu. Lucky me! I really hope I don't get it. And I REALLY hope that Hannah doesn't get it.

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. Things have been really crazy around here. With Christmas coming and Thomas's dad coming to visit this weekend, I have been running non-stop. I'll be exhausted by the time he gets here! Hopefully Thomas will be able to get off work. Since he is starting at this new dealership, there are no guarantees! And now that Thomas is sick today... Jim might have to hang out with Hannah and I this weekend. :) Hannah needs to get to know her Grandpa better anyway. She'll warm up to him right in time for him to leave. That is usually how it works!

I am already behind on my Christmas To-Do List! Yikes! That's not good! I need to make recipe books. Typing the recipes is what takes forever! I only have enough pages for 19 recipes, so it shouldn't be too bad. I think I am going to do just desserts. That would be the most fun! And I am going to do them in 6x6. I was going to take Hannah to the beach today to take her Christmas picture, but it is COLD... only 60 for the high today. And it is so windy. We may have to just use a photo by the Christmas tree if I can get her to sit still long enough.

Anyway... that's all folks! Later...

1 comment:

chrissy said...

Tell Tom I hope he feels better soon (sooner than later for your sake!)